Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search by Custom FieldDifferent businesses may need different data fields, which you can create in The Cap-Sure Lead Tracking Platform dashboard.

Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search by Product or ServiceSeeing leads grouped by product or service allows marketers and business owners to gain deeper insights.

Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search by Landing & Lead PageIf you know which page a user landed on, you will have clues about which keywords they used to find your website.

Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search by Campaign & KeywordApply filters to group leads by specific keywords or campaigns to quickly see the results of your ad spend.

Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search by Source & MediumFiltering and grouping tools allow you to examine a subset of leads from specific campaigns, sources or marketing channels.

Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search Leads by Phone NumberFind specific leads in seconds. Search by phone number or area code and identify contact information.

Search & Filter LeadsSee all your leads in one platform, where you can search for specific leads and customers to see all marketing data.

Search for Leads by NameThe Cap-Sure Lead Tracking Platform instantly pulls Caller ID information, so you can quickly search for leads by name.

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