Reach Your Addressable Audience While Preventing the Ad Waste Deliver Relevant Ads to Your Target Audience’s TV Screens
The data-rich capabilities of addressable TV advertising allow advertisers to pinpoint their buyers effortlessly. Why settle for regular demographic targeting? With The AdCoach, you can define your addressable audience based on personal interests, lifestyle choices, browsing habits, and more.

Custom Addressable TV Ad Solutions Audience targeting is a tough nut to crack as you need to integrate numerous data providers, activate your CRM data, and maintain compliance. But, The AdCoach has made it simple for you with custom Addressable TV Ad Solutions.

Addressable TV, powered by advanced Over the Top/Connected Television (OTT/CTV) technology, offers unparalleled precision and audience targeting capabilities. Marketers can connect with consumers who stream both big and small screens, delivering focused ads directly to individual households.

| The global addressable TV advertising sector is expected to reach $87 billion by 2027 |

The above statistics highlight the potential of addressable TV targeting. The AdCoach team is ready to help you take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity. Here is how this futuristic advertising strategy can help you do so:

Household-level Precision

Utilizing GPS data, addressable TV serves ads to households based on first-party address lists, custom-curated addressable audiences, or behavioral data. This precise targeting enables marketers to track in-store visits and web-based conversions from targeted users, providing valuable insights into campaign effectiveness.

Expanding Reach and Maximizing Impact

The power of addressable TV ads extends beyond precision targeting. By leveraging leading inventory sources, exchanges, devices, and programs, marketers can significantly expand their reach and maximize their impact. The accuracy of digital targeting to OTT/CTV devices allows for user targeting based on keywords, context, and other online behaviors. It ensures the right message is delivered to the right audience at the right moment, optimizing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Advanced Addressable Audience Curation

Addressable TV advertising offers an advanced audience curation tool to further enhance targeting capabilities. This tool allows marketers to build custom audiences based on over 500 location and demographic factors.
Target potential customers who have attended events, visited your business, explored competitors, or are within a specific physical location. Deliver precise video messages on any OTT/CTV device to these tailored audiences.

Personalized Messaging and Engagement

By onboarding locations into the addressable TV platform, marketers can see the power of personalized messaging and engagement. Generic advertising campaigns are no longer a preferred marketing solution; addressable TV ads enable tailored messaging that resonates with individual households.

No More Ad Waste

With addressable ads, advertisers enjoy valuable results and business growth. By paying solely for ads reaching their target viewers, they prevent wasteful impressions and enhance performance with tailored experiences.
Tap into the future of advertising with The AdCoach!

Adopt Addressable TV Advertising for
Precise Audience Targeting
Engage your addressable audience with household-level precision.

Precision TV Targeting

Our experts will ensure highly precise addressable TV targeting by leveraging plat line data from property tax records and public land surveying information. Along with this data, we can utilize customer data from your CRM to deliver relevant ads straight to their living rooms.

Personalized Ads

At The AdCoach, we personalize creative and messaging using address-level intelligence to ensure each impression drives engagement and action.

Enables Foot Traffic Attribution

Conversion Zones can be integrated with addressable TV advertising campaigns to monitor increases in foot traffic to the advertiser’s location. Scroll through to learn about conversion geo-fence zones.

Detailed Reporting

We provide comprehensive reports to help you analyze the addressable TV ad campaign performance down to the ZIP+4 level. You will get precise insights into the geographic level within a ZIP code. ZIP codes typically consist of five digits, but ZIP+4 adds an additional four digits to further pinpoint locations within that ZIP code area. Such precision allows for more accurate targeting or reporting in TV targeting campaigns.

Cross-Device + Omni-Channel Capabilities

Our service identifies everyone at a specific address across different devices using cross-device tracking. This allows us to deliver targeted ads across various platforms for up to 30 days after they've left that address. This approach ensures a smooth sales strategy across multiple channels, improving the overall customer experience.

500+ Behavioral Data Points Available

With our Audience Curation Tool, we compile a list of targeted consumers and addresses using demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data points. This helps tailor campaigns to match your ideal client profile effectively.

High-Performance Campaigns

Our experts will identify the relevant data sources and targeting solutions to create high-performance and fully measurable addressable TV targeting campaigns.


Targeting is based off of plat line data from property tax and public land surveying information to maximize precision of addresses being targeted.

Provides foot traffic attribution

Conversion Zones can be used with Geo-Fencing campaigns to track uplift in foot traffic to the advertiser’s location.

Cross-device + omni-channel

This enlists all individuals at the address on multiple devices by leveraging cross-device tracking and targeting that enables you to serve targeted advertising to consumers across multiple platforms or devices for up to 30 days after they have left address. Additionally, a multichannel approach to sales focuses on providing seamless customer experience.

Improves performance

You’ll find with addressable TV, direct mail and other campaigns that target specific households by extending their reach, improving their frequency, and providing attribution, that your advertising will be enhanced.


Creative and messaging can be based on address level intelligence.


Report and break down campaign performance by ZIP+4 level.

500+ behavioral data targeting variables available

By using our Audience Curation Tool, a list can be developed of consumers and addresses to target based on defined demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data points that make up your ideal client profile.

Meet The Local Companies Who’ve Turned To the AdCoach

Companies Who’ve Turned To the AdCoach

Measurable Offline to Online Conversions. The AdCoach has simplified the conversion tracking process with virtual conversion zones. Our experts will deeply analyze your addressable TV advertising campaign’s performance by determining the amount of traffic directed to your targeted geofence zones.


Our Conversion Zone reporting will provide you with detailed insights into the performance of your addressable ad campaign. It shows crucial metrics, including:

Understanding How Conversion Zones in Addressable TV Targeting Works At the initial stage, we’ll create a virtual geo-fence around the area defined by the customer. This is the zone where the advertiser wants to target customers- it can be any town, venue, or even competitor’s store.

After that, we’ll delineate a virtual conversion zone near one or more of the advertiser’s locations. As soon as customers enter this geofenced zone, the addressable ads are shown to them on their mobile devices.

Now, when customers with their mobile devices step into the conversion zone, who have already seen the advertiser’s ad, the Conversion zone identifies and marks their visit as an offline conversion for their addressable TV advertising campaign.

Do you want to convert your online visitors into offline conversions with addressable TV targeting? Look no further. Call The AdCoach today to get started!

Start converting online engagements into offline success with The AdCoach’s Addressable Geofencing service today!

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